
Skrevs 2011-10-08 klockan 19:46:30

our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch

what's worth holding on to

Skrevs 2011-09-14 klockan 12:11:11

"When everything in your life falls apart you begin to realize what's worth holding on to and who's got a hold on you. Let the world fall apart ... all of my life rests upon the Love that created every breath I have been given." -Jon Foreman of Switchfoot.


Skrevs 2010-12-04 klockan 16:41:36

Det kan vara ett helvete att nå sina drömmar, men belöningen är värd allt väntan.

memento vivere

Skrevs 2010-11-20 klockan 07:47:08

Glöm inte att leva!

dreams may become reality if you believe in yourself.

Skrevs 2010-10-08 klockan 12:11:28

No matter who you are, if you believe in yourself, you can achieve all your goals and make your dreams come true.


If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.

hard work

Skrevs 2010-09-18 klockan 11:59:37

If you believe in hard work, if you believe in yourself, if you believe in your dreams, anything is possible.

temporary & forever

Skrevs 2010-08-19 klockan 14:16:31

Pain is temporary.
Glory is forever.

Fear is temporary.
Regret is forever.


Skrevs 2010-03-13 klockan 09:22:12

Age ain't nothing but a number.

individual freedom

Skrevs 2010-02-28 klockan 03:29:29

Be what you want to be, not what others wanna see.


Skrevs 2010-01-21 klockan 13:33:36

If you wanna make your dream come true, first thing you have to do is to wake up - j.m power

Lao Tze

Skrevs 2010-01-11 klockan 22:35:24

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny..

the biggest risk in life

Skrevs 2009-11-26 klockan 02:26:49


The biggest risk in Life, is not Taking One.


Skrevs 2009-11-14 klockan 14:39:59

Love is forever.

in order to escape a road of solitude

Skrevs 2009-09-26 klockan 04:06:50

In order to escape a road of solitude,
one has to work hard,
and forge a new path with their own power.


ta aldrig någon förgivet

Skrevs 2009-07-22 klockan 21:32:28

Var rädd om de lilla du har,
en dag kan det vara borta..

bruce lee, in his own words.

Skrevs 2009-04-22 klockan 12:40:12

empty your mind.
be flawless.

like water.
you put water in to a cup, it becomes the cup.
you put water in to a bottle, it becomes the bottle.
you put water in to a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
now water can flow or it can crash.

be water my friend!


Skrevs 2009-04-20 klockan 09:30:07

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous.
Love is not boastful or conceited. It is never rude nor selfish.
It does not take offense, it is not resentful.
Love is always ready to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.
Love never comes to an end.